알리익스프레스 트렌드스포팅
Mallree! The new name of malltail Rewards


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Categories Question
  • [mcash] What is M-Cash?
  • [mcash] Cashback isn't being attributed to my account properly. What could be causing this?
  • [mcash] How long after purchase does M-Cash get added to my account?
  • [mcash] Does M-Cash expire?
  • [mcash] What is the process like for M-Cash to be direct deposited to my bank account?
  • [mcash] What can I do with my M-Cash?
  • [mcash] When will my M-Cash be deposited into my bank account?
  • [mcash] What is the minimum amount of M-Cash that I can request to be exchanged to legal tender?
  • [mcash] What is the exchange rate used when converting M-Cash into KRW?
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If you order this through Mallree you will earn
 of the purchase price within 15 days.

Accrued cash is available as a cash refund or can be used for Malltail’s shipping fee.