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Mallree! The new name of malltail Rewards


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Categories Question
  • [service] What is Mallree?
  • [service] How do I register, deactivate my account, or change my password?
  • [service] Where can I accept Mallree's Terms & Conditions?
  • [service] How do I use Mallree?
  • [mcash] What is M-Cash?
  • [mcash] Cashback isn't being attributed to my account properly. What could be causing this?
  • [mcash] How long after purchase does M-Cash get added to my account?
  • [mcash] Does M-Cash expire?
  • [mcash] What is the process like for M-Cash to be direct deposited to my bank account?
  • [mcash] What can I do with my M-Cash?
  • [mcash] When will my M-Cash be deposited into my bank account?
  • [mcash] What is the minimum amount of M-Cash that I can request to be exchanged to legal tender?
  • [mcash] What is the exchange rate used when converting M-Cash into KRW?
  • [order] When can I check if my orders tracked?
  • [order] When does M-Cash from a purchase from a local store in Korea get credited to my account?
  • [order] What should I do when my order is changed, partially refunded, partially cancelled, returned, or when my payment is declined?
  • [order] Why is the amount I paid for my order and the amount that shows up in Mallree not the same?
  • [order] Why does my estimated M-Cash show up as $0 in my order history?
  • [order] What should I do when my order isn't showing up in my My Page?
  • [order] Can I get M-Cash if I use another cashback site at the same time?
  • [order] Can I use a coupon from a site other than Mallree?
  • [delivery] Where can I check if I entered the shipping event correctly?
  • [delivery] I participated in the free shipping event but I didn't receive the benefits offered.
  • [delivery] What should I do if my order was delivered incorrectly or part of my order was canceled due to items being out of stock?
  • [delivery] Can I use combined or consolidated shipping during shipping events?
  • [delivery] Can I receive M-Cash and enter a shipping event at the same time from the same store?
  • [delivery] Can I use Malltail's add-on service when participating in a shipping event?
  • [etc] Can I get M-Cash and enter events through my mobile phone?
  • [etc] When does M-Cash from travel advertisers get credited to my account?
  • [etc] Why did my reservation information disappear from my My Page?
  • [etc] Is the amount of time it takes M-Cash to get attributed to my account the same for all stores?
  • [etc] When will my account be credited M-Cash after I participated in a Card event?
  • [etc] How can I confirm my Card event participation?
  • [etc] Can I still earn M-Cash if I didn’t go through the link on the Card event page?
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If you order this through Mallree you will earn
 of the purchase price within 15 days.

Accrued cash is available as a cash refund or can be used for Malltail’s shipping fee.