2019 명품 기획전
Mallree! The new name of malltail Rewards

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옵션 [슈퍼마트]통영 굴 중~대 2kg : 16,000 원
옵션 [슈퍼마트]통영 굴 소~중 2kg : 19,000 원
옵션 [슈퍼마트]통영 굴 중~대 1kg : 8,500 원
옵션 [슈퍼마트]통영 굴 소~중 1kg : 10,500 원
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If you order this through Mallree you will earn
 of the purchase price within 15 days.

Accrued cash is available as a cash refund or can be used for Malltail’s shipping fee.